Archivio Mario Russo - E.

Archivio Mario Russo

Hall of Legends

Art Direction | Interactive Design

Mario Russo (1920-2009) per più di cinquant’anni si è sempre mosso sulla linea dell’avanguardia, dal dopoguerra agli anni Duemila, dando vita ad un patrimonio di circa 1500 opere. Dipinti, disegni, sculture, tra linguaggi figurativi ed astratti: dai pigmenti pittorici tradizionali alle materie plastiche, dall’acciaio al vetro.

L’archivio, attraverso un delicato minuzioso e accuratissimo lavoro di catalogazione diventa il custode dell’intero corpus rappresentando uno strumento di ricostruzione documentaria, filologica e storica delle sue opere, e ne promuove la conservazione e la valorizzazione.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

For more than fifty years Mario Russo (1920-2009) has always moved on the avant-garde line, from the postwar to the 2000s, giving life to 1500 works. Paintings, drawings, sculptures, between figurative and abstract languages: from traditional pictorial pigments to plastics, from steel to glass.

The archive, through a delicate meticulous and very accurate cataloging work, becomes the custodian of the entire corpus, representing a documentary, philological and historical reconstruction tool of his works, and promotes their conservation and enhancement.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

For the launch of the Alfa Romeo Historical Museum, bitmama (agency) was asked to imagine something that would act as a teaser at the opening. The material available was exclusively from the brand archive.

From this comes Hall of Legends: a communication campaign and the creation of a digital space where you can retrace the history of the brand through its iconic models.

Archivio Mario Russo – Screens
Archivio Mario Russo – Screens Mobile
Archivio Mario Russo – Screens


Best Innovation
Best UI Design
Best UX Design
Special Kudos Award

Mobile Excellence Award
Honorable Mention

© 2024

Emanuele De Donno


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